Nata Pura Black 12 Pack Instructions
consectetur adipiscing elit.
- Sed quis lectus ornare, laoreet tortor ut, viverra nuncVivamus molestie eros vel lectus sagittis tempor.
- Praesent fermentum lectus vel lacus tempor, quis scelerisque neque aliquam.
- Integer pellentesque urna a commodo porta.
- Cras a est at enim volutpat malesuada a non nunc.
- Nulla mattis magna et iaculis imperdiet.
- Aliquam id magna rhoncus, volutpat sapien vitae, fringilla orci.
consectetur adipiscing elit.
- Sed quis lectus ornare, laoreet tortor ut, viverra nuncVivamus molestie eros vel lectus sagittis tempor.
- Praesent fermentum lectus vel lacus tempor, quis scelerisque neque aliquam.
- Integer pellentesque urna a commodo porta.
- Cras a est at enim volutpat malesuada a non nunc.
- Nulla mattis magna et iaculis imperdiet.
- Aliquam id magna rhoncus, volutpat sapien vitae, fringilla orci.
consectetur adipiscing elit.
- Sed quis lectus ornare, laoreet tortor ut, viverra nuncVivamus molestie eros vel lectus sagittis tempor.
- Praesent fermentum lectus vel lacus tempor, quis scelerisque neque aliquam.
- Integer pellentesque urna a commodo porta.
- Cras a est at enim volutpat malesuada a non nunc.
- Nulla mattis magna et iaculis imperdiet.
- Aliquam id magna rhoncus, volutpat sapien vitae, fringilla orci.
Your Natas are baking? Join us below and get to know Portugal and the Nata
Meet the Pastry with 300 Years of History!
Developed deep in the cellars of The Jeronimos Monastary in the 18th century, the Nata quickly escaped the cloisters and became Portugal’s most beloved pastry.
A seafaring people, the Portuguese took this delicious little delicacy everywhere they established communities. And soon some local variants popped up, the English Custard Tart, or the Chinese Danta.
But while these versions have their own charm, they can’t compare to a fresh Nata straight out of a Portuguese coffee shop.
This experience can now be yours, thanks to Nata Pura!
Porto and Portugal
The Jeronimos Monastery, where the first Nata was conceived, sits in the northern margin of the Tejo river, near the heart of Lisbon. But Nata Pura’s heart belongs to Porto, the industrious northern second city.
It’s Porto that is the origin of the name ‘Portugal’. The country was born as a small county on the edge of the Iberian peninsula. In the 12th century, it expanded as southward as it could, gaining territory at the same time as it defended its borders from its neighbours.
When no more land was left to conquer, the Portuguese took to the sea, and their exploits are well known. But as the political power shifted to Lisbon, Porto remained a steadfast, liberal city with work ethic and a focus on quality of life. A small city, quite unique, with hidden complexities, much like the nata
Portuguese Art
Portuguese art is amazingly eclectic, but this account can give you a sense of our collective tastes. Traditionally, we have always been a country of poets—the Sea, our constant companion and muse. In the 1500’s, Luis de Camões wrote Os Lusíadas, a sprawling epic verse about our seafaring heroics. But perhaps our most celebrated poet is Fernando Pessoa (a probable fan of natas, by the way)…
As for renaissance art and derivatives, and up until the turn of the century, we Portuguese graciously left other countries to take the spotlight. But as modernism came around, our unique character of humorous melancholia manifested itself once more in new and original ways. Amadeo de Souza Cardoso and Almada Negreiros ushered in abstract and stylised art with uncanny vibrancy. Later, a host of extremely talented painters like Angelo de Sousa, Julio Pomar and Nadir Afonso (on the left) kept up this legacy.
As the years go by, post modernism enters the scene, and nobody really knows what it means or what it’s about. But Portuguese art evolves. Artists like Joana Vasconcelos and Vhils (pictured) grant a degree of flair and dramatics. Basically they went big. Like moving from a 60gram Nata to a 75gram one… Dramatic!
Portuguese Music
Are your natas already in the oven? Then pass the time listening to some of the best music Portugal has to offer, a playlist curated by none other than our CEO Mabilio.
From Fado to Hip Hop, this will give you a taste of some hidden gems. Marisa is now the leading voice of Fado, singing a theme popularised by Amália Rodrigues – probably the best-known Fado singer ever. Old meets new. António Variações was an innovating, barrier-breaking pioneer that challenged our stuffy customs in the ’80s. And a really good poet too. Madredeus represents our folk songs with the respect they deserve. And then a variety of younger (and not so young) artists that showcase the range and variety of Portuguese musical variety.